6 Major Benefits of Video-Based Learning

6 Major Benefits of Video-Based Learning

Sometimes it feels like the world has gone video crazy. Video calls, video centric social media posts, and an endless amount of streaming platforms have made it easier than ever to consume great content and connect with our loved ones. Video content is even making its way into the education space, which has been a game changer in light of coronavirus related restrictions for workplaces and schools. Video-based learning has some major benefits worth considering, especially for workplace training.

Accessible & Proven

Here’s a fun fact about video-based learning for you. On YouTube, there are more videos that relate to learning than there are books in the entire Library of Congress. The numbers show that people turn to educational videos on YouTube to satisfy their curiosity on certain topics, so the video format definitely works for many viewers. One of the main benefits of video content is it is available on demand. Typically, e-learning videos are on the shorter side which helps keep the audience engaged and takes advantage of the benefits of microlearning. With the addition of headphones, it’s easy to consume this content on the go. 

Entertaining & Engaging

We all know why we like video content when it comes to entertainment, but when it comes to video-based learning, it’s important to look at why it works so well. Luckily, there are some cold hard facts relating to why video content can help boost the e-learning process. It turns out that viewers retain 95% of a message seen in a video compared to just 10% of the message when reading text. While everyone learns differently, video-based learning is clearly a tool that works well for many people. Video content is enjoyable to watch and can serve as a nice break from reading heavy text. Not to mention, it can allow the viewer to learn in both a visual and audible way at the same time.

Cost Effective

Training employees is expensive, but creating video training for employees is a very cost effective way to do training for topics that many employees will have to learn more about. Depending on the production needs, employers can generally create video content fairly inexpensively. Because they can reuse the video training repeatedly, this type of content can be an investment that pays off greatly down the line. 

Video-based learning is a great solution for HR required trainings about sexual harassment and workplace safety, for teaching a new employee more about the company on their first day, and for showing step by step processes of how to use company-wide tools and systems. 

Localization Potential

Another benefit of video-based learning, that is also super cost-effective, is the fact that video content has some amazing localization potential. Many e-learning videos can be localized to multiple languages. With the creation of just one video, businesses can later add subtitles, dubbing or voice-overs in different languages. This helps them avoid the cost of producing videos in multiple languages and can boost employee engagement and retainment. By offering educational content in their first language, employers are showing their employees they care about having a diverse workforce and are invested in their career development and day-to-day work lives.

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